
Monday, April 4, 2011

8 Months Down, 2 to GO!

2 Months from today, we will be landing in the United States of America.   After living in Taiwan for 8 months,  I feel much more settled here.  For example, when we travel now, I find myself comparing things to how the Taiwanese do things, instead of to how Americans do things.  Also, after traveling around Southeast Asia, we feel even more lucky that Taiwan ended up as our home.  However, I am still a Colorado girl at heart and am looking forward to our time home this summer with family and friends on our whirlwind tour of California, Atlanta, Baltimore, New York, New Jersey, Chicago, and Colorado. 
Today is our last day of break, and when we return to school tomorrow, we have 8 ½ weeks left of school (but who is counting).  This is always a stressful time of year in a way, trying to finish up this year and get ready at the same time for the next. 
In regards to my New Year’s Resolution,  I have now walked at least 10,000 steps a day for at least 4 days a week for the last 3 months.  My pedometer tells me that we have walked 833,444 steps total. It has been a great resolution, in that it is easily measurable and that I feel accomplished when we reach the goal for the day.  Myron has been a great support in terms of helping me to reach this goal, and our desire to reach the goal helps us to make the choice to walk somewhere or take the stairs instead of driving or taking the elevator. 
Finally, in regards to running, we haven’t been able to be as consistent.  However, we did both get some new running shoes and we are still trying the couch to 5K program- though we can’t seem to get on as consistent of a schedule.  
This is the 8th month update- feeling more settled in Taiwan, gearing up for the last quarter at school, looking forward to summer break, and just keeping on trekking!  Stay tuned for a series of Spring Break trip updates coming soon. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

I can't wait for you to be back, too!

Good job on keeping with your resolution. :)