
Sunday, October 10, 2010


So, I haven't been writing in my blog and I am afraid that I have a confession to make- it is official- I am homesick.  Before we left for Taiwan, several people explained that when you move abroad there are different stages that you move between.  First, you start out in the honeymoon period, where everything seems wonderful, new, and exciting.  You feel like you are on vacation.   This lasted for me about the first 6- 7 weeks of our move here. 
Then, you head into more of a transitional period, where you start to miss things from home and question why people do the things that they do in this new country that you have moved to and you begin to miss the people, customs, and culture from home.  You feel overwhelmed.
I am afraid, folks, this is where I find myself.
I miss so many things from home- big and small.
Big things that I miss- the people- namely most of you who actually read this blog- I miss you.  I miss your sense of humor the most, and all of the fun things that we did during any given week- such as talking over a glass of good wine, coffee, or dinner, or catching the latest play at the DCPA, or getting a pedicure, or trying a new, fun activity. I miss being able to call you during the week, instead of just on the weekends.  I miss being able to talk through all the little events in our lives, instead of trying to summarize the big events when we do talk.  
I miss the change in seasons- big time.  I am typing this out on my patio and sweating.  Everything is still very green.  I know that I will appreciate still wearing tank tops and shorts in January, but I miss the leaves changing colors and the desire for hot cider and pumpkin carving and corn mazes and Halloween costumes.  I miss the crispness in the air during the fall. 
I miss dish washers and even more than that- I miss clothes dryers- oh, what a glorious invention!  Strangely, we only have a dish dryer and a clothes washer. 
I miss Starbuck's Chai tea lattes- so very, very, very much- I can 't even begin to explain just how much.
I miss really great Mexican food- and especially, most especially avocados.  What I wouldn't give for some good gaucamole, some really good nachos, and a margarita. 
It helps to know that this is only a phase, that this too will pass.  
It helps to know that others who move abroad have gone through the same experiences.
And it helps to know that soon enough, (okay- in like 8 months, but who's counting?) I will be drinking Starbuck's chai latte for breakfast, heading out on a hike in the beautiful Colorado Rockies, drinking wine on the porch of the Creekside Cellars, and then going out to dinner at any number of Mexican restaurants in the Denver area where I can eat gauc and drink margs. 
In the meantime, I will work on moving into the next phase of becoming more open and accepting of my new home. 


Amy said...

I really am going to make you some chai tea mix. :) It will get better!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to come see you... It will be soon. Love you so much-- mom

MLM said...

I was thinking of you two this last week because Trent and I carved pumpkins, and I was reminded of your extravagant pumpkin creations. Those are the best! I don't think there are any pumpkin-carving parties planned this year (that we are invited to at least!), and that bums me out! However, there will be many more in the future, so no worries.
:-) I hope you are feeling better Erin!

Anonymous said...

I miss you, too! If it's any consolation, our weather is just now turning cool and crisp -- it's been a very hot October. Can't wait to spoil you with Chai tea and hiking this summer --
