
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Biker Mama

Back in college when I was a Resident Assistant, all the RA's gave each other nicknames based on our first two weeks of knowing each other.  My nickname came from when we had all gone around in a circle and stated what we thought we were most likely to do during our mid-life crisis.  I projected that I would end up motorcycling around the country- I believe that summer I had just finished reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. And so my nickname was "Biker Mama" and I wore it proudly embossed on the back of the RA sweatshirt that they gave me- I still wear it, actually, much to the chagrin of my parents who are tired of seeing me in the same sweatshirt after 10 years -and perhaps reasonably so.  
Anyway, fast forward 10 years and I marry a man with a motorcycle.
 We don't ride around the country but we do ride around Colorado and I love it!  Riding on the back of a motorcycle to me is the equivalent of flying- I feel free.  All of my worries, all of my stress seems to melt away and I take the time to feel the wind, smell the trees, and breathe in deeply.  Of course, I am also always aware that Myron and I may die at any moment- which is obviously the exact opposite of feeling relaxed and is a huge adrenaline rush.  And I guess that is why I like motorcycling- it forces me to be in the moment- paying attention to how I can feel so simultaneously relaxed and alert all at the same time.  
For the time being, Myron's motorcyle is in storage, but last weekend we went to Taitung, which is on the eastern side of Taiwan.  

Overall, it was a really wonderful trip away.  We stayed at the Royal Hotel Chihpen, relaxed in their hot springs, particularly enjoying the rose-flavored hot springs, watched an aboriginal dance show, bought Buddha Head Fruit, went to the ocean (the beach was a bit rocky) but we still got to walk along the coast,
 and we hiked around the Chihpen Forest Recreation Area, which was very beautiful.  
But my favorite thing that we did was rent a scooter. And I got to drive.  Biker Mama was in her element!  And Myron was just hanging on for dear life! 

And while I am on the subject of scooters, I have to take this opportunity to mention the Biker Dogs of Taiwan.  Far more amazing than the sight of me on a scooter, is the sight of the many dogs that ride perched on scooters.  Perhaps they too find their moment of zen, wind blowing through their hair, the sights and smells of Taiwan rushing past. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

How do those little dogs stay on the scooters?